The Sinking and Raising of the Tall Ship "Astrid" on the Cork Coast 2013
Photos & Video etc.
- 2015.05.07 Astrid's mast reborn with at the old Head of Kinsale photo from Signal Tower website.
- 2015.05.05 Mast of the Astrid used for Flag & Ball system at the Old Hd Signal tower, YouTube Video
- 2015.02.11 Investigations Conclusions from the Marine Casualty Investigation Board PDF report.
- 2013.12.08 Photos Final dismantling of the TallShip Astrid, Kinsale, Co. Cork. Final update 19-Apr-2014
- 2013.12.01 Photos – the start of breaking up on the barge Kinsale
- 2013.10.06 Photos - close up of starboard side, rudder and propeller
- 2013.10.01 Video inc YouTube: Sinking and Raising of the Astrid. Oysterhaven & Kinsale
- 2013.09.10 Astrid being hoisted onto a barge in Kinsale harbour. photos Close ups of damage.
- 2013.09.10 Astrid Tall Ship Wreck arrives into Kinsale harbour photos
- 2013.09.09 Raising the Astrid photos YouTube video at night, Astrid about to enter Kinsale harbour
- 2013.09.09 Astrid salvage crane arrives in Kinsale - photos LE Emer P21 keeping an eye
- 2013.09.06 Astrid salvage ships in Kinsale harbour & Kinsale RNLI lifeboat - first to rescue people.
- 2013.08.26 A month later - close up Photos from a boat & also YouTube
- 2013.07.24 Cork Coast Guard radio - selected communications MP3 audio file.
2013.07.24 Astrid Grounding photos &
youTube. Between Oysterhaven Kinsale
All above photos & video copyright Karl Grabe. Please do not upload photos elsewhere, use links to this site instead. Thanks.
See Also:
For my Astrid updates follow @CorkCoast althought there won't be that many as the ship has sadly been destroyed.